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High Lunge Yoga Pose |
Steps :
1. Stand straight, with your hands by your sides.
2. Take in a deep breath, and raise both your hands above your head. Keep them parallel to each other.
Now exhale, and bend forward from your hips and not your waist. Try, and open the area from your pubis to the top of your sternum as you bend. Lengthen your torso and allow your upper body to stretch as you bend.
3. Keep your knees straight and allow your forehead to rest on them. If you need it, perform the pose standing against the wall to take support from it and maintain your balance.
4. Bring your palms downwards and place them right next to your feet. If you are not able to touch the floor with your entire palms, simply do it with your fingers.
5. Now take in a deep breath and step your left foot backwards. You may have to bend your knees to perform this. Allow the ball of your foot to be on the floor while your right knee forms a right angle with the floor.
6. Allow your torso to rest on the top of your left thigh. Do not push it downwards, but try to lengthen it and soften the right part of your groin. Allow your thigh to sink in towards the floor, resting the torso's weight on it.
7. Plant your left thigh firmly and apply an opposing force on your chest with it. Hold the knee straight and keep stretching your heel towards the floor.
8. Exhale deeply and step back with your right foot. Repeat the entire pose with the other foot and hold the pose for at least 30 seconds each time you perform it.
Precautions :
> While there are no specific high lunge precautions, those with knee injuries, arthritis, or lower back injuries should not perform the pose.
> Also avoid performing the high lunge pose if you have pain in your lower abdomen and neck or if you are pregnant.
Beginner's Tip :
> During the initial part of the pose, when you come into the Uttanasana, balancing your body may be difficult, especially if you are a beginner. So a good beginner's tip for the high lunge, so as to avoid losing your balance, falling and injuring yourself, is to not hold that part of the pose for too long. You may use the support of a wall behind you while performing it, but that will prevent you from moving further into the pose. > Therefore, it is best to practice the Uttanasana before you begin practicing the high lunge pose.
Benefit To Body Part :
> Helps stretch and strengthen the thighs, particularly the hip flexors.
> Opens up the groin region.
> Tones the calves.
> Strengthens the lower back.
> It provides a good massage to the internal organs.
Therapeutic Applications :
> Indigestion: Since the pose massages the entire digestive tract, it can improve metabolism and aid in digestion. It can also help treat bloating, gas and other similar health problems.
> Constipation: Along with helping treat indigestion, the high lunge also treats constipation and other bowel problems.
> Sciatica: The pain caused due to the sciatic nerve that runs along your back and the waist, can lead to a lot of discomfort. The high lunge can help treat this pain effectively.
Preparatory Poses :
> Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
Follow Up Poses :
> Big Toe Pose (Padangusthasana)
> Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
> Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)
> Intense Side Stretch Pose (Parsvottanasana)
> Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)