Standing Head to Knee Pose |
^ Builds mental strength
^ Improves concentration
^ Unifies the mind and body
^ Tightens the abdominal and thigh muscles
^ Good for diabetes
^ Squeezes and flushes out the internal abdominal organs, such as the gall bladder,
pancreas and spleen, as well as the uterus and ovaries
^ Increases flexibility of the sciatic nerves
^ Strengthens the tendons, biceps of the thigh muscles, and hamstrings in the legs
^ Strengthens the deltoids, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, scapula, biceps and triceps
^ Strengthens the muscles of the back
Tips for Standing Head to Knee Pose:
^ Distribute weight equally over the four points of the foot
^ Lock the knee of the standing leg!
^ Keep a tight grip with all ten fingers
^ Leg parallel to the floor
^ Suck your stomach in and contract your abdominal muscles
^ Flex the whole foot back toward your face beyond perpendicular
^ Elbows touch the calf muscle go below, and stay there
^ Tuck chin to chest, round the spine, touch forehead to knee