The Lotus is a symbol of the beauty and perfection of the divine reality – SATYAM (truth) – SHIVAM (God) – SUNDARAM (beauty). Numerous attributes of the divine are compared with the Lotus: Lotus eyes, Lotus of the heart, Lotus feet.
The Lotus blossom is depicted in the illustrations of seven out of the eight main Chakras. In Yoga literature the Chakras are also called “Lotuses”. For example, the Mūlādhāra Chakra is also known as Mūla Kamala, the Manipūra Chakra as Nābhi Kamala and Vishuddhi Chakra as Kantha Kamala.
The Lotus is an important symbol of spiritual life. It grows in muddy water, but its blossom always stands clear of the surface of the water. The water represents worldly illusion (Māyā) and the Lotus blossom us humans.
Just as the Lotus has its roots in the bottom of the lake, the world is the fertile soil from which we live and grow. But our consciousness is destined to raise itself above the clouded sphere of delusion to the clarity and freedom of divine vision. The opening Lotus blossom symbolises the unfolding of the consciousness and the awakening of wisdom within us.
As spiritual aspirants we try lifelong to escape from the pollution of Māyā, to remain above worldly desires and to rid ourselves of earthly sorrows. Here the Lotus blossom can be a good example for us. Even the strongest storm is unable to immerse it; it always floats on the surface, and neither rain nor dust cling to its leaves. Because of these attributes it symbolises the saints and sages who remain inwardly untouched by the vicissitudes of life and have a firm belief in God, in peaceful serenity and perfect contentment.