Administrative Gods
In addition to the twelve main deities listed previously, there are also a number of minor deities (keeping in mind that certain Hindus may consider them more exalted or even Supreme!). They are generally considered to have specific roles within this universe. The main ones are also considered to have charge over the eight directions, beginning with the East and moving clockwise (i.e. Indra is in charge of the East, Agni the South East, Yama the South, etc.).
Indra: King of Heaven/ god of rain
Agni: deity in charge of fire
Yama: deity presiding over the death
Surya: the presiding deity of the sun
Varuna: the presiding deity of water
Vayu: the presiding deity of the wind (air)
Kuvera: treasurer of the demigods (god of wealth)
Soma (Chandra): the presiding deity of the moon
These deities are usually associated with earlier, "Vedic" Hinduism, and are rarely worshipped today, except perhaps Surya. Still prominent, especially in South Indian temples, is the worship of the "nine planets" (see Astrology).
Deva or devata means demigod. Sthala-devata specifically refers to a minor deity who has jurisdiction over a particular place – a river, forest or village. They are often worshipped in village shrines. A popular deity is Sitala (right), the goddess of smallpox, who is worshipped in the hope of avoiding the disease.
Other "Higher Beings"
There are many other lesser deities and higher beings, who often appear in the various stories. These include:
- The Asuras (demons) who always fight
- The Devas (the gods or demigods)
- The Apsaras (celestial nymphs)
- The Nagas (celestial serpents)
- The Gandharvas (heavenly singers)
- The Rakshasas (a race of man-eaters)
- The Prajapatis (progenitors of mankind)
Some deities have risen to prominence more recently. They include:
Santoshi Ma – the goddess of contentment, worshipped mainly by ladies
Ayyappan – popular in Kerala, he is considered the son of Shiva and Mohini (the female incarnation of Vishnu)
Also Read:
Devatas or deities - A multifaceted concept in Sanatana Dharma
Hindu Gods and Goddess
List of Deties (Devatas)
LORD NATARAJ - The Lord of Dance
Lord Brahma
Lord Vishnu
Lord Shiva
Maa Durga
Lord Ganesha
Lord Kartekeya
Lord Krishna
Lord Jagannath
Lord Rama - The Role Model
Lord Hanuman
Shakti - The Dynamic Energy of Siva
Lord Kubera
Minor Deities associated with Lord Shiva
Goddess - Lalita Tripurasundari
Lord Balaji
Lord Ayyappan
Goddess - Lalita Tripurasundari
God Varuna - Brief description about God of Rain
God surya - Brief description about GOD OF FIRE
Lord Indra
Lord Vayu
God Yama
God Soma
Ashwins - twin gods
Goddess Parvathi
God Kubera
Ashta Dikpalakas
Matsya Avatar (fish)- Lord Vishnu
Kurma Avatar
Varaha Avatar (the Boar)
Lord Ganesha - the Son of Shiva
GARUDA: The carrier of " Lord Vishnu "