It is ignorance (avidya) of one's true self that leads to ego-consciousness, grounding one in desire and a perpetual chain of reincarnation. The idea is intricately linked to action (karma), a concept first recorded in the Upanishads. Every action has a reaction and the force determines one's next incarnation. One is reborn through desire: a person desires to be born because he or she wants to enjoy a body, which can never bring deep, lasting happiness or peace (ānanda).
Also Read More Articals about - Reincarnation:
- What Is Reincarnation?
- Theory of Reincarnation
- Death: A Process of Growth
- We Are Not This Body ? Our Body is Not Ours ?
- Soul - Aatman
- Do you believe in reincarnation?
- What Is Reincarnation? FAQ
- Reincarnation - FAQ PART 2
- What is Re-Incarnation ? FAQ PART 3
- Plain Living and High Thinking
- We are constantly Changing Bodies
- Decrypting Vedic Symbolism
- I am not this Body - Easy to say
- The Hindu Tent's