How to Stay Hydrated |
- Make sure your daily water intake is at least 32 ounces per day or half your body weight. Up your water intake during the warmer months.
- Drink at least 16 ounces of water or a sports drink at least two hours prior to engaging in Bikram yoga.
- Wear sweat-wicking and microfiber clothing designed specifically for absorbing sweat. These fabrics will help absorb sweat and keep it from staying on your body, which can cause overheating and speed up dehydration.
- Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol 24 hours prior to class. Both of these substances can lead to excessive fluid loss and dehydration.
- Bring water with you to your Bikram yoga class. Try and drink 8 oz. for every 15 to 20 minutes of activity.
- Drink sufficient water post-class, supplementing with a sports beverage with electrolytes, or an electrolyte tablet post-workout if needed. Salt packets can also help you retain lost fluids.
Because, without proper hydration, our bodies will stop working, end of the story. Water helps our bodies to function properly day in and day out. The average adult loses more than 2 litres of water every day, simply by breathing, sweating and eliminating waste. Add a day of fun in the sun and your water levels will be getting pretty low. Did you know that air temperature and exercise intensity are also major factors in the amount of water you lose throughout the day?
Bikram Yogis face an even bigger challenge in the summertime when it comes to hydration. Just one Bikram Yoga class can drain you of one full litre of water! Even minimal dehydration can negatively affect your sports performance and can make your ability to recover from exercise harder and take longer. Dehydration has these effects on the body because when you sweat you aren’t just losing water. You are also losing vital electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and glucose – these electrolytes also keep your body functioning normally as they aid in proper hydration.
Here are some tips!
- Drink a litre of water in the few hours before exercising; continue to drink at least a ¼ litre for every 30 minutes of exercise you participate in. (If you’re practicing Bikram try to listen for when the teacher tells you to drink, trust us, they know what they’re talking about!)
- Add at least ½ litre of a natural electrolyte to your day for every hour of exercise you do. Coconut water is a tasty and refreshing choice!
- After exercising, drink at least 1 litre of water to fully replenish the fluids you’ve lost from all that physical activity. Don’t be afraid to drink a little more, there is no such thing as too much water!
- Take your body weight, divide by 2, then drink your weight in water! If you don’t want to do the math, a general rule is to drink at least a cup of water for every hour of the day.
- An easy way to replace your sodium levels is to add a sprinkle of sea salt to your water. Worried about the taste? Plug your nose and you won’t even notice!
- Can’t get through the day without coffee? Need that salty snack or sugar kick mid-afternoon? If you are putting foods or beverages in your body that dehydrate you don’t forget to drink an extra cup of water alongside them to balance out the effects!
- 3 cups organic fruit juice, look for one with no sugar added.
- 1 cup filtered water, avoid the acidic distilled or demineralized waters.
- ¼ tsp sea salt, it tends to be less salty tasting than refined table salt.
- 1 tsp organic honey
Mix all 4 ingredients together in a juice jug with a spoon, drink, and enjoy. Store any leftovers in the fridge. Try adding some fresh fruit for extra flavor!