While talking to reporters at Nadiad, Kheda district Yoga guru Baba Ramdev among several statements that he made regarding the issue of the construction of the Ram temple at Ayodhya, he claimed that Lord Ram was not only the ancestors of Hindu but also of Muslims.
He further said that “I firmly believe that Ram Mandir must be built in Ayodhya. If not in Ayodhya, where would you build it? It is obvious that it will not come up at Mecca, Madina or Vatican City,” as quoted by a PTI report.
Earlier in late January, Baba Ramdev shared that he believes that people with over 2 kids should not be given the right to vote and the right to contest elections.
He had also said that ones who do not follow the two child policy should be deprived of the government school and hospital facilities. He further added suggested that the population will be automatically controlled if the people who are not following the two child policy are denied of government jobs.
brother i suggest u to read or once lookin Quran 105 chapter then u know what happend to abraha