Namami Twam Maha Devim, Maha Bhaya Vinashinim |The Vedic praise to Devi , known as DevyaAtharvSheersh is recited on the ocasion of Vedic Praan pratistha of Devi Idols and yantras.
Maha Durg Prashmanim, Maha Karaunyaa Roopinim ||
The formless and Omnipresent form of Devi has been very well described in this text.
I would quote a small portion of it here.
The Sanskrit text is somewhat like this:
Yasya Swaroopam Bhramaadyo Naa Jaananti, Tasmaad Uchyate Agyeyaa |Meaning:
Yasya Anto Naa Labhayte, Tasmaad Uchyate Anantaa ||
Yasya Lakshyam Naa Uplakshyate, Tasmaad Uchyate Alakshyaa |
Yasya Jananam Naa Uplabhyate, Tasmaad Uchyate Ajaa ||
Ekev Sarvatr Vartate, Tasmaad Uchyate Ekaa |
Ekev Vishwaroopini, Tasmaad Uchyate Nekaa ||
Atah, Evochyate Agyeyaa, Anantaa, Alakshyaa, Ajaa, Ekaa, Neketi ||
- Even the Gods like Bhrama etc also do not understand her form, So she is called Agyeya;
- She is the one whose End can not be reached, So she is called Anantaa;
- Her motive is not known, so she is known as Alakshyaa;
- Her birth is not known, therefore she is called as Ajaa;
- She alone exists everywhere, so the Vedas call her Ekaa;
- She alone is seen in the form of this whole world, so she is called Neka.