The human body is one of the biggest marvels of nature. Each organ has a distinct and unique function. Find out about the amazing facts of human body now. Just download this app to surprise yourself.
The human body has lungs which have 300,000 capillaries (thin blood vessels). When laid end to end they would cover 1500 miles or 2400 kilometres.....................................................................................................................................................................................
Finger and toe nail:
Our finger or toe nail takes 6 months to grow right from the base to its outer tip.
Skin 01:
Our skin is the largest organ of our body. It covers roughly 2 square metres of area. It constantly keeps replenishing throughout the life. In the process it sheds about 80 kg of dead skin cells.
The Testes:
Ten million new sperm cells everyday are produced by the human testicles. If each one fertilizes it can duplicate our planet's population in only six months.
The Ovaries:
The ovaries of a human female have 5,00,000 eggs yet only 300 -400 eggs only have the capability to create a new baby.
1. The focussing muscles of our eyes move about one lakh time a day to let you see the the outsid word.
2. To exercise the leg muscles to the same extent, we will have to walk 80 kilometres in a day.
3. We take in 90% of the outside information through our eyes.
Skin :
The lab grown skin made from circumsized babies, of the size of a postage stamp, can grow so much that it can cover 3 basket ball courts. This skin is generally used for brn patients
Human blood cell:
One single human blood cell can make a complete circuit in our body in just half a minute.
Body heat:
Our body gives out enough heat in 30 minutes to boil half gallon of water.
An adult heart pumps about two thousand gallons of blood each day.
Our brain has about hundred billion nerve cells and about 100,000 miles of blood vessels.
Our bones are a powerhouse of strength. A bone, the size of a match box can support nine tonnes of weight almost four times the strength of a similar concrete slab.
Each night we grow about 0.3 inches. However every morning we come back to our original height because our cartilage discs shrink due to force of gravity as we stand
Diet Intake:
The diet intake of a common westerner includes 50 tonnes of food and about 50,000 litres of fluid.
Our body has 2 kidneys each of which has ten lakh super efficient filters. They filter about 1.25 litres of blood each minute and gives out about 1.5 litres of urine in a day.
Female egg:
It is the largest cell of the human body.
Male Sperm;
A human male's sperm is the smallest cell of the human body.
A single strand of human hair can support 3.5 ounces of weight. Imagine the strength a head completely filled with hairs.
The human nose can't detect the smell of natural gas which can be hazardous so the gas companies mix a chemical called Marcaptan to give it a distinct odou.The human nose can detect close to ten thousand scents.
The human tongue has about 50 to 100 taste cells. A single cell cannot identify both sweet and bitter tastes.
Our blood takes only 20 seconds to circulate in our entire body.