Here is a rare suprabatham addressed to Lord Shiva taken from the book Stotra mala published by Devi Book stall, Kodunagallor.
1. Sri Neelakanda girijesa suresa shambo,
Sri Parvatheesa karunamaya deena bandho,
Kailasa nadha bhuvanesa Jagan nivasa,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh God with blue neck, Oh Lord of Parvathi, Oh Lord of Devas,
Oh consort of Parvathi, Oh storehouse of mercy, Oh friend of the oppressed,
Oh Lord of the Kailasa mountain, Oh Lord of Universe, Oh resident of universe,
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
2. Sri Parvathii hrudaya nadha, krupambhu rase,
Bhoothesa deva, shiva shankara Chandra moule,
Lokesa sarva madhanadhaka vama deva,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh lord of the mind of Parvathi, Oh ocean of mercy,
Oh God who is the lord of all beings, Oh Shiva, Oh Shankara, Oh wearer of the crescent,
Oh Lord of all worlds, Oh killer of the god of love, Oh Vama deva,
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
3. Sri Shankara pramadha nayaka deva deva,
Gangadhara pasu pathe sura mamunesa,
Sri Kanda shambho hara papa hare,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh Shankara, oh leader of Pramadhas, Oh god of Gods,
Oh carrier of Ganga, Oh lord of all beings, Oh god of devas and great sages,
Oh Sri Kanda, Oh God who kills, Oh God who destroys sin,
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
4. Sri Vyomkesa shithi kanda vrushakape sri,
Viswathmaka tribhuvaneswara shakthi nadha,
Mruthyunjaya guna nidhe, Gana nadha shambho,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh God who has sky as hair, oh God with black neck, oh God who rides on a bull,
Oh God who is the soul of the world, Oh God who is lord of three worlds, Oh Lord of Shakthi,
Oh God who won over death, oh treasure house of goodness, Oh God who is Lord of Ganas
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
5. Sathya swaroopa sakalamaya nasana sri,
Kailsa shaila vinivasa, pinakapane,
Sarva mayanthaka, sukha pradha, viswa roopa,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh personification of truth, Oh Lord who destroys everything and is a part of them,
Oh God who lives on the top of Kailasa Mountain, Oh wielder of Pinaka bow,
Oh God who pervades in everything, oh god who is pleasure, Oh God who is a form of Universe,
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
6. Shambho sasankha sura mamuni vrunda vandhya,
Kasi pathe pasupthe Trijagan nivasa,
Sri phala lochana, phaneeswara, soola pane,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh God who wears the crescent, Oh God who is worshipped by groups of devas and great sages,
Oh Lord of Varanasi, Oh Lord of all beings, Oh God who resides in all three worlds,
Oh God who has an eye on the forehead, Oh God of serpents, Oh wielder of spear.
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
7. Sri sarva sarva durithapaha sathya moorthe,
Sarvagna sarva hrudaya sthitha punya moorthe,
Sarvartha sidhi pradha, bhaktha janaika bhandho,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh God Shiva, Oh remover of all problems, Oh personification of truth,
Oh all knower, Oh holy god who lives in every one's heart,
Oh God who blesses with all types of wealth, Oh friend of people devoted to you,
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
8. Omkara roopa phani raja vibhooshana sri,
Karthyayani Priya manohara, chandra chooda,
Bhaktharthi bhanjana Girresa janesa shambho,
Sri Viswanadha thava Bhasura Suprabatham
Oh Form of letter Om, Oh God who wears king of serpents as ornament,
Oh pretty one who is dear to Karthyayani, Oh wearer of the crescent,
Oh destroyer of sufferings of his devotes, Oh Lord of the mountain, Oh god who is the Lord of people,
A lustrous good morning to you, Oh my Lord of the universe.
* Trinity