Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy has once again come out with a sensational claim. This time, the Rajya Sabha MP has claimed that the Congress president has four passports. Making this claim, Swamy said that Rahul Gandhi has a passport with the name of Raul Vinci.
He also contradicted Rahul Gandhi’s claim saying he didn’t get an MPhil degree as he did not appear for the Economics paper, DNA India reported. 😀
The BJP leader also attacked ‘Janeu-Dhari’ Rahul Gandhi, claiming that the Congress chief did not know how to wear the sacred thread. He pointed out that Rahul Gandhi often wears his janeu over his clothes, which is the wrong way. Claiming that Rahul Gandhi is actually Christian, Swamy further said there is a chapel in Rahul Gandhi’s house, and that every Sunday a priest visits there. He also claimed that Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi is forced to visit temples as currently there is a perception that parties perceived to be anti-Hindus may not get votes.
On Sunday, minutes after Congress president’s decision to contest from Wayanad apart from Amethi, Swamy had claimed that Rahul Gandhi was running away from the Uttar Pradesh’s constituency fearing defeat. “He is afraid of the fact that he is going to lose elections from Amethi. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi fought from two places. At that time Congress advertised that Modi knew nothing about India as he is from Gujarat. Hence he fought from two places,” he was quoted as saying by ANI.
“But what was the need for those who won three times from Amethi to leave it and go to Wayanad. This is because he is now afraid,” he added as per the agency.
In the upcoming elections, Rahul Gandhi will be contesting from Amethi in Uttar Pradesh and Wayanad in Kerala. __