March 21st, 2019 - On the auspicious birthday of Lord Caitanya, Gaura Purnima, in the ISKCON Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir in Sridhama Mayapur, four qualified candidates accepted sannyasa from Jayapataka Swami in order to further spread the mission of Mahaprabhu.
Sannyasa is the renounced order of life accepted by many followers of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Himself accepted sannyasa in order to further the spread of the sankirtana movement. Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, also accepted sannyasa to assist in his own preaching endeavors, in accordance with the instructions of his guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.
The following is a brief description of the four candidates who accepted sannyasa on Gaura Purnima:
Prithi Vardhana Dasa is one of the administrators of the Bhaktivedanta Academy gurukula school. He is known to be a qualified and scholarly devotee who is an example of “simple living and high thinking.” He has been serving in the gurukula for almost 30 years. He preaches regularly in different countries in Europe and also travels with Bhakti Purusottama Swami to assist with the Tribal Care preaching in the rural tribal areas of India. On the auspicious occasion of his accepting sannyasa, he received the name Bhakti Arjava Prithi Vardhana Swami!
Gaura Chandra Dasa is one of the co-directors of ISKCON Namahatta, and he has been preaching in many districts in Bengal and Orissa. He is known to be a simple and dedicated devotee who has been in ISKCON for a few decades. On the auspicious occasion of his accepting sannyasa, he received the name Bhakti Vilasa Gaurachandra Swami!
Navadvipa Dvija Gauranga Dasa is the Vice President of ISKCON Bangladesh, and he also serves as the Divisional Secretary for the Sylhet division of Bangladesh. He has been a devotee for more than 25 years. He is known to be a qualified devotee with exemplary sadhana, or spiritual practice, who works very cooperatively with the devotees of Bangladesh. On the auspicious occasion of his accepting sannyasa, he received the name Bhakti Advaita Navadvipa Swami!
Puspa Sila Dasa serves as the Divisional Secretary for North Bengal and Bangladesh. He is known to be a humble devotee and very humble preacher. On the auspicious occasion of his accepting sannyasa, he received the name Bhakti Vinaya Swami!
The Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir temple hall was packed with devotees who came to witness the event. All of the devotees were joyful to see these four devotees accepting greater responsibilities in spiritual life to assist with their preaching. __ISN