Nag Panchmi::
Nāg Panchamī (Devanagari: नाग पंचमी) is a festival during which religious Hindus in some parts of Indiaworship either images of or live Nāgas (cobras) on the fifth day after Amavasya of the month ofShraavana. Traditionally, married young women visit their premarital households to celebrate the festival. Especially in villages in India, a traditional aspect of the celebration involves joyous swinging by young women on swings temporarily hung on tree branches.
According to Puranic mythology, Brahma’s son Kashyapa had four wives.
The “first” wife gave birth to Devas; the second, to Garudas; the third --named Kadroo--, to Nāgas; and the fourth, to Daityas. Nāgas were the rulers of Pātāl-Loka.
The following Sanskrit names of Eight Great Nāgas, namely, Ananta, Vāsuki, Padmanābha, Kambala, Shankhapāla, Dhārtarāshtra, Takshaka, and Kaliya:
अनन्तं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मनाभं च कम्बलम् |According to mythology, Lord Krishna had conquered Naga Kālia and put an end to his evil deeds on Nāga Panchamī. According to one mythology, the Kathmandu valley used to be a vast lake. When human beings started to drain the lake to make space for settlements, Nagas became enraged. To protect themselves against the wrath of Nagas, people gave the latter certain areas as pilgrimage destinations, restoring thus harmony in nature.
शंखपालं धार्तराष्ट्रं तक्षकं कालियं तथा ||
Transliteration: Anantam Vāsukim SheshamPadmanābham cha Kambalam; Shankhapālam Dhārtarāshtram Takshakam Kāliyam tathā
According to another mythology, a king used his Tantric powers to force Nagas to return to the land rains which they had taken away. The Nagas gave in to the king’s Tantric power, but in recognition of their power to control rains, the king established Naga Panchami festival.
During the festival, Nepalese traditionally post pictures of Nagas above the doors of their homes to ward off evil spirits, offer prayers to Nagas, and place food items such as milk and honey in their fields for Nagas. A few men wearing demon masks dance in the streets as a part of a ritual. Hindus in Nepal have their own myths and legends surrounding Nagas, which lead them to celebrate Nāga Panchamī on a large scale.
Shukla Panchami tithi ( 5th lunar day in the bright half of the forthnight) in the month of Shravana
Worship of the Great Nagas, the Serpents
Nag means serpents and panchami refers to the 5th lunar day. This festival takes place annually on
Nagas or snakes represent secret wisdom, knowledge, the ability to control mortality, renewal as well as the negative qualities of sins. Bitterness, possessiveness, greed. By doing this worship we gain the strength of the Nagas and control their more negative traits. Nagas are also known as Sarpas. According to our birth chart, we can get cursed by the Nagas due to our karmas and past life actions and this reflects as the Kal Sarpa Dosha or Sarpa dosha in our charts. Worshipping of the Sarpa and gaining their blessings rather than their anger is essential for those who want to pacify the negative aspects of their birth chart..
Panchami, the fifth step away from the Sun and the fifth towards the Sun belongs to the Nagas. Nagas are serpents. Originally the nagas were poisonous, violent and deadly. They were killing the humans with their venom. Humans begged Brahma to save them from these terrible serpents. He promised them protection. Brahma cursed the serpents that they will face a serious decline. The serpents fell to their feet and begged ?Oh Brahma, you created us wicked, how can you complain, we are only following the path we were created for, please reduce our venom and give us a separate abode from the humans?. Brahma relented and gave them the underworld (Patala, Vitala and Sutala) and a boon that if they bite those who trouble them then they would not be punished. But the humans can kill those who are insolent and fierce. Nagas came to symbolise all that is secret and hidden, the possessors of great occult powers. They carry the poison in a pouch and their body is not filled with poison. They only use this poison when forced to do so. The poison can be used for healing or for killing. The nagas have the capacity for both good and bad. If we take the story of the nagas as a parable that poison exists within all of us, the moment we learn to recognise these poisons, we are able to live with them. Then it should only emerge under dire circumstances. Panchami have a great ability to control and overcome their sins. Panchami represents the primary struggle of man between good and evil nature.
Lord Brahma forgave the Sarpas on Nag Panchami day and therefore this is the special day to celebrate in their honour.In Indian Tradition we have always honoured all aspects of life and nature. Nagas or serpents have been honoured as part of this tradition and their special annual day is on Nag Panchami day. All major gods of India have a connection to the Nagas. Vishnu rests on Sheshnaga, Shiva wears Naga Vasuki in his neck, Ganesha wears a serpent belt., Subramaniya ( Lord Murugha and Kartikeya) has special ability to deal with the Sarpas - his vehicle, the peacock can kill the snakes. Lord Krishna could fight the snake Kalinga as he had worshipped Lord Subramania.
Goddess Manasa Devi is the queen of the Nagas. She is the daughter of Kashyapa and Kadru and the sister to the great snake Vasuki. Originally a tribal goddess,but after she helped Shiva when he drank the poison during the churning of the ocean of milk and cured him of it, she is widely worhsipped by all. Worshipping any one of the above deities will help you deal with the issues that the Nagas represent.
Nag panchami is an important celebration for all specially for those who have Kal Sarpa yoga, Rahu Ketu issues in their chart, inability to have children, Sapra dosha due to past life problems.
How to celebrate Nag Panchami:
You should fast the whole day ? not eating anything fried on this day even after you break the fast.
End the fast after sunset. Keep your meal pure vegetarian. Eating Kheer (milk pudding) and milk is good in this day.
Moksha mantra/ Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Lord Shiva 108 times.
Om Tryambhakam yajamahe sugnadhim pushtivardhananWe worship the three eyed one (Shiva) who is fragrant and nourishes all beings. Just like a cucumber falls off its creeper and is detached from its bondage, Shiva will help us liberate the soul from death and find moksha (self-realisation) and amrita (Nectar of immortality).
Urvarukamiva bandhanan mrityor moksheya mamratat Om
Lords Shiva, Krishna or Subramaniya. If possible go to a temple and give an idol made in silver of the nagas and worship with raw milk, turmeric, vermillion ( Kumkum) and flowers on the Shiva lingham. You can pray to Lord Krishna and Subramaniya to protect you from the negative qualities of the nagas and get their blessings.
As Rahu Ketu and Sarpa deal with psychological aspects of life, this prayer is to get mental peace.
People also make shape of the nagas in dough or a cut out and worship this if they are unable to get a small figure of Nag made for this day. This festival is not celebrated with pomp and ceremony but with devotion and belief.
Naagaraja moola mantra:
Om Naga Raja Maha Baaga
Mangalya Saukiyaprrata
Pasun putran thanam thehi
Om naga rajaya namaha
Meaning: It will remove all effectes of posion, enemies, and ensure good children.
(ancient origin)
Ananthou Vaasuki Shesho
Padmanabhascha Kambalaha
Shanka Padou Darta Rashtrou
Takshakaha Kaliya Sootha
Yethani Nava Naamani
Naagaa Naamcha Mahatmanaam
Saayam Kaale Pate Nithyam
Pratha Kaale Visheshaha
Tasmay Visha Bhayam Naasti
Sarvatra Vijayee Bhaveth.
Nagaraja Namasthesthu
Haraharayitha Dehine
Hara Me Sakalan Rogan
Dada Me Sath Prajam Drisam.
MEANING: Salutations to Sri Nagaraja, who adorns Sri Siva's Body, please destroy all illness in me and bless me with good progeny (to be chanted by pregnant women) is chanted to propriate a gracious Yakshini who lives by the side of Himalays and guards pregnant women. The Navanaga slokam can be chanted at all times and by pregnant women. THIS slokam is called Navanaga stotram and is addressed to the nine divine serpents who bear the earth and protect us and our progeny.
While Doing puja with flower. Akshate`etc for Ant holes/hutta/idol chant:
Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha-3 times
Om Aaadhishenaaya Namaha
Om Ananthanaaya Namaha
Om Vaasukiye Namaha
Om ThatchagaNaaya Namaha
Om KaarkoDakanaaya Namaha
Om Padmanaaya Namaha
Om Maha Padmanaaya Namaha
Om Shankanaaya Namaha
Om Kuliganaaya Namaha
Sarpa Gaayathri
Om dhanShtraa PhaNaaya vidhmahE
suvarNa punjaaya Dheemahi |
tannah sarpah prachOdayath ||
Naagaraaja Gaayathri
BhujangEShaaya vidhmahE
sarpajaathaaya Dheemahi |
tannO naagah prachOdayaath ||
Childless couples (both) should chant the following mantra:
anantha sarpa raaja tvam putra pautra samanvitham |
aputrasya chE mE putra sampadancha kuru praBho ||
||Namah Shivaya||