Book I : Bala Kanda - Book Of Youthful Majesties
Chapter [Sarga] 1
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तेन मायाविना दूरम् अपवाह्य नृप आत्मजौ || १-१-५२
जहार भार्याम् रामस्य गृध्रम् हत्वा जटायुषम् |
जहार भार्याम् रामस्य गृध्रम् हत्वा जटायुषम् |
52b, 53a. mayaavinaa = by trickster; tena = by him [Maareecha]; nR^ipa aatmajau = kings, sons [princes]; duuram = to a distance; apa vaahya = side, tracked - made to distract from hermitage; jaTaayuSam gR^idhram hatvaa = Jataayu, eagle, on killing - putting to the sword; raamasya bhaaryaam jahaara = Rama's, wife, [Ravana] stole.
"Ravana stole the wife of Rama, namely Seetha, by getting the princes Rama and Lakshmana distracted distantly from their hermitage through the trickster Maareecha, and after putting the eagle Jatayu, which came to Seetha's rescue, to sword... [1-1-52b, 53a]
गृध्रम् च निहतम् दृष्ट्वा हृताम् श्रुत्वा च मैथिलीम् || १-१-५३
राघवः शोक संतप्तो विललाप आकुल इन्द्रियः |
राघवः शोक संतप्तो विललाप आकुल इन्द्रियः |
53b, 54a. raaghavaH = Raghava; nihatam gR^idhram dR^iSThvaa = killed [utterly gashed, almost dead] eagle, on seeing; maithiliim hR^itaam shR^itvaa ca = of Maithili, as stolen, on hearing about [from the same eagle,] also; shoka santaptaH = anguish, seethed with; akula indriyaH = with frenzied, senses; vilalaapa = wept over.
"On seeing the eagle Jatayu almost dead and on hearing from the same eagle that Maithili is stolen, seethed with anguish and senses frenzied Raghava bewailed... [1-1-53b, 54a]
ततः तेन एव शोकेन गृध्रम् दग्ध्वा जटायुषम् || १-१-५४
मार्गमाणो वने सीताम् राक्षसम् संददर्श ह |
कबंधम् नाम रूपेण विकृतम् घोर दर्शनम् || १-१-५५
मार्गमाणो वने सीताम् राक्षसम् संददर्श ह |
कबंधम् नाम रूपेण विकृतम् घोर दर्शनम् || १-१-५५
54b, 55. tena shokena eva = by that, anguish, only; tataH = then; gR^idhram jaTaayushham dagdhvaa = eagle, Jataayu, on cremating; vane siitaam maargamaaNaH = in forests, for Seetha, while searching; ruupeNa vikR^itam = in looks, misshapen; ghora darshanam = monstrous, to look at; kabandham naama raakshasam = Kabandha, named, demon; samdadarsha ha = has seen, indeed.
"Rama then cremated that eagle Jataayu in that anguish, and while searching for Seetha in forest, he indeed saw a demon named Kabandha, who is misshapen in his look and monstrous to look to... [1-1-54b, 55]
Jataayu is a friend of Rama's farther Dasharatha and thus it is fatherly eagle to Rama and its death is as worse as his father's death. Secondly, an eagle is a highly sophisticated search engine. But it is dying. So an additional misery is bechanced.
तम् निहत्य महाबाहुः ददाह स्वर्गतः च सः |
स च अस्य कथयामास शबरीम् धर्म चारिणीम् || १-१-५६
श्रमणाम् धर्म निपुणाम् अभिगच्छ इति राघव |
स च अस्य कथयामास शबरीम् धर्म चारिणीम् || १-१-५६
श्रमणाम् धर्म निपुणाम् अभिगच्छ इति राघव |
56, 57a. mahaa baahuH = great, armed - he whose arms are highly powerful, Rama; tam nihatya = him, [Kabandha,] having eliminated; dadaaH = cremated; svargataH ca = heavenwards, also; saH ca = he [that Kabandha], also [when going to heaven]; raaghava = oh, Raghava; dharma caariNiim = a lady with righteous conduct; dharma nipuNaam = she who in rightness, an expert; shramanaam = ascetic lady; shabariim = to Shabari; abhigachchha = you proceed; iti = in this way; asya = to him [to Rama]; kthayaamaasa = started to tell.
"That Rama whose arms are highly powerful has eliminated and cremated that demon Kabandha, and Kabandha while going heavenward told Rama, 'oh, Raghava, proceed to the ascetic lady of right-conduct and an expert in rightness, namely Shabari...' and vanished... [1-1-56, 57a]
सः अभ्य गच्छन् महातेजाः शबरीम् शत्रु सूदनः || १-१-५७
शबर्या पूजितः संयक् रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |
शबर्या पूजितः संयक् रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |
57b, 58a. maha tejaaH = great, resplendent one, Rama; shatru suudanaH = enemy eliminator; saH = that one, Rama; shabariim abhiaagachchhat = to Shabari, approached; dasaratha aatmajaH raamaH = Dasharatha's, son, Rama; shabaryaaH samyak puujitaH = by Shabari, thoroughly, venerated.
"He who is a great-resplendent one and an enemy-eliminator, that son of Dasharatha, Rama arrived close at Shabari, and Shabari venerated him, thoroughly... [1-1-57b, 58a]
By mentioning the name of Dasharatha it is indicated that the hospitality given by this ascetic lady Shabari is more satisfactory to Rama, than that which was accorded by his own father Dasharatha. Govindaraja. Next verse onwards the episodes in Kishkindha are introduced. Now Rama meets Hanuma, the Vaanara. Traditionally this character is taken as a monkey god. vanena= in forests, charati= moves about, iti= thus; therefore vaanara = 'forest-ranger' is the declination of the term. It neither means an absolute monkey-hood nor absolute god-hood, but these vanara-s are the great characters in this epic, humanoid forest ranging monkey-humans. These Vanara-s have their rich traditions, which we will come across in Kishkindha Kanda proper. For now they may be taken as great heroes, but hereinafter referred to as 'monkeys' or 'vanara-s' for an easy comprehension and in a customary way.
पंपा तीरे हनुमता संगतो वानरेण ह || १-१-५८
हनुमत् वचनात् च एव सुग्रीवेण समागतः |
हनुमत् वचनात् च एव सुग्रीवेण समागतः |
58b, 59a. pampaa tiire = Pampa lake, on its banks; hanumataa vaanareNa sangataH ha = with Hanuma, with a vanara, [Rama] met, indeed; hanumat vachanaat = Hanuma's, upon word, also; sugriiveNa ca eva = with Sugreeva, also, thus; samaagataH = reached - befriended.
"Rama met the vanara Hanuma on the banks of Lake Pampa, and upon the word of Hanuma Rama indeed befriended Sugreeva... [1-1-58b, 59b]
सुग्रीवाय च तत् सर्वम् शंसत् रामो महाबलः || १-१-५९
आदितः तत् यथा वृत्तम् सीतायाः च विशेषतः |
आदितः तत् यथा वृत्तम् सीतायाः च विशेषतः |
59b, 60a. mahaa balaH raamaH = highly, dynamic, Rama; aaditaH = from the beginning; tat sarvam = that, all; [yathaa vR^ittam = as has happened];visheshhataH siithaayaH ca = = in particular, Seetha's [abduction] also; yathaa [vR^ittam] = as, has happened; sugriivaaya ca = to Sugreeva, [and to Hanuma] also; shamshat = detailed [in general.]
"That highly dynamic Rama detailed to Sugreeva, and even to Hanuma, all that has happened from the beginning in general, and the abduction of Seetha, in particular... [1-1-59b, 60a]
Here the use of 'highly dynamic...' to Rama is to indicate that though he himself is capable enough to resolve the riddle called Ravana, but as a human, he needs some agency since humans in such difficulties are usually in need of a helping hand for such resolves. As such, Rama has to befriend Sugreeva and it is necessary to narrate all sad episodes to his friend.
सुग्रीवः च अपि तत् सर्वम् श्रुत्वा रामस्य वानरः || १-१-६०
चकार सख्यम् रामेण प्रीतः च एव अग्नि साक्षिकम् |
चकार सख्यम् रामेण प्रीतः च एव अग्नि साक्षिकम् |
60b, 61a. vaanaraH sugriivaH ca api = vanara, Sugreeva, also, even; raamasya = of Rama; tat sarvam shrutvaa = that, all, on listening; priitaH = delightedly; agni saakshikam ca eva = by fire [flaring auspicious fire,] as witness, also, thus; sakhyam chakaara = friendship, made.
"On listening all that has happened from Rama, that vanara Sugreeva befriended Rama where the witness for that friendship is flaring fire, for it alone is auspicious... [1-1-60b, 61a]
ततो वानर राजेन वैर अनुकथनम् प्रति || १-१-६१
रामाय आवेदितम् सर्वम् प्रणयात् दुःखितेन च |
रामाय आवेदितम् सर्वम् प्रणयात् दुःखितेन च |
61b, 62a. tataH = then; duHkhitena vaanara raajena = by the woeful, vanara, king [Sugreeva]; vaira anukathanam prati = [about his] feud [with Vali,] saga; prati = in reply [to Rama's query]; raamaaya = to Rama; sarvam = in entirety; praNayaat = in friendship aaveditam = informed.
"Then that woeful king of monkeys Sugreeva woefully informed Rama about his saga of feud with his brother Vali in reply to Rama's query, in friendship and in its entirety... [1-1-61b, 62a]
प्रतिज्ञातम् च रामेण तदा वालि वधम् प्रति || १-१-६२
वालिनः च बलम् तत्र कथयामास वानरः |
वालिनः च बलम् तत्र कथयामास वानरः |
62b, 63a. tadaa = then; raameNa = by Rama; vaali vadham prati = to Vali, eliminate, regarding [in retaliation to his misdeeds]; prati j~naatam = in turn, make known [solemnly promised]; tatra = in that regard; vaanaraH = vanara Sugreeva; vaalinaH balam ca kathayaamaasa = Vali's, sinews, thereto, started to tell.
"Then Rama solemnly promised Sugreeva to eliminate Vali in retaliation to his foul deeds in respect of Sugreeva and of probity as well, and then that vanara Sugreeva started to tell about the sinews of Vali... [1-1-62b, 63a]
Vali, the elder brother of Sugreeva, is another principle character of Ramayana. He is capable of rendering oblations to gods in the wee hours of a single day in four oceans on four sides of the globe, by his swinging from one ocean to the other. He is mightier than Ravana, the chief villain of the epic, and Ravana is subdued by Vali's strength. As a preamble to the incident of eliminating mighty Ravana in the last book of the epic, this episode of eliminating a still mightier monkey is the stepping-stone for the climactic victory.
सुग्रीवः शंकितः च आसीत् नित्यम् वीर्येण राघवे || १-१-६३
राघवः प्रत्ययार्थम् तु दुंदुभेः कायम् उत्तमम् |
दर्शयामास सुग्रीवः महापर्वत संनिभम् || १-१-६४
राघवः प्रत्ययार्थम् तु दुंदुभेः कायम् उत्तमम् |
दर्शयामास सुग्रीवः महापर्वत संनिभम् || १-१-६४
63b, 64. sugriivaH ca = Sugreeva, also; raaghave = in respect of Raghava; viiryeNa = about [Rama's] prowess; nityam shankitaH aasiit = always, doubtful, he remained; sugriivaH = Sugreeva; raaghavaH pratya artham tu = Raghava, to confide in, by reason of, only; dundubheH = Dundubhi's;uttamam = big one [massive one]; mahaa parvata sannibham = great, mountain, similar to; kaayam = body - dead body, remains; darshayaamaasa =started to show.
"Sugreeva always remained doubtful about the powers of Raghava and by reason of confiding in Raghava's prowess for himself, and by reason of making Raghava to confide in the powers of Vali, Sugreeva has shown him the massive remains of demon Dundubhi, which is similar to a great mountain... [1-1-63b, 64]
उत्स्मयित्वा महाबाहुः प्रेक्ष्य च अस्ति महाबलः |
पाद अंगुष्टेन चिक्षेप संपूर्णम् दश योजनम् || १-१-६५
पाद अंगुष्टेन चिक्षेप संपूर्णम् दश योजनम् || १-१-६५
65. mahaa baahuH = great, armed [omni-dextrous Rama]; mahaa balaH = very energetic [Rama]; asti = skeleton of demon Dundubhi; prekshya = having seen; utsmayitvaa ca = reticently smiled, also; paadaa anguSThena [anguSTa agreNa] = foot's, by toe [by the tip of big toe]; sampuurNam dasa yojanam = wholly, for ten, yojana-s lengths; chikshepa = flicked it.
That omni-dextrous Rama looked at the skeleton, smiled in aplomb, then that very energetic Rama flicked that skeleton with tip of his foot's big toe wholly to a ten yojana-lengths... yet Sugreeva's confidence remained apathetic... [1-1-65]
Vali is able to throw that body, with whole of his foot, only up to two hundred bow-lengths, where the length of bow is said as six to seven feet. But Rama could kick that heap to ten yojana lengths, roughly ninety miles, only with a flip of his foot-toe's tip. But Sugreeva continued his grumbling, 'in those days this skeleton was with flesh and blood, now it became weight-less, thus show me more of your show of strength...' One Yojana is an ancient measure for distance, where that distance is covered in one yoking. Chambers dictionary puts it as five miles, and it is disagreeable for it is British-Indian revenue measure. Traditionally it is four krosha-s and thus each yojana is nine to ten miles. This is amplified elsewhere in these pages.
Govindaraja cleaves the compound utsmayitvaa to ut smayitvaa and takes ut 'to up...' and fixes it to cikshepa to mean ut cikshepa 'up-heaved and hurled...' andsmayitva comes to mean 'smiling self-assuredly, or smiling self-composedly...' And Maheshvara Tiirtha says that 'when all-wise-knowers are not able to know what I am, there is no surprise if a monkey in a remote forest doubts my capability... let him see a speck of it...' thus Rama smiled in aplomb...'
And the often repeated epithet to Rama mahaa baahuH means not just 'yards and yards of lengthy arms...dangling up to knees..' but 'one who does unimaginable deeds...' and his arms are the unusual instruments to perform such unusual tasks, hence ambidextrous, or omni-dextrous...
बिभेद च पुनः सालान् सप्त एकेन महा इषुणा |
गिरिम् रसातलम् चैव जनयन् प्रत्ययम् तथा || १-१-६६
गिरिम् रसातलम् चैव जनयन् प्रत्ययम् तथा || १-१-६६
66. tadaa = thus; punaH ca = again, also; pratyayam janayan = certainty [in Sugreeva,] to inculcate; ekena maha ishuNaa = with one, great, arrow;sapta saalaan = seven, sala trees; girim = a mountain; rasaatalam ca eva = nethermost subterranean of earth, also, like that; bibheda = [Rama] ripped.
"Again Rama ripped seven massive trees called sala trees with only one great arrow, which not only rived the trees but also rent through a mountain, and to the nethermost subterranean of earth, in order to inculcate certainty in Sugreeva... [1-1-66]
The rasaatala is deepest subterranean plane, and it forms the base of other planes of earth called, atala, vitala, sutala, talaatala, mahaatala, rasaatala underneath the surface of earth up to its core.
ततः प्रीत मनाः तेन विश्वस्तः स महाकपिः |
किष्किंधाम् राम सहितो जगाम च गुहाम् तदा || १-१-६७
किष्किंधाम् राम सहितो जगाम च गुहाम् तदा || १-१-६७
67. tataH = thereby; tena = by it - by that act of Rama; priita manaaH = gladden, at heart; mahaa kapiH = great, monkey - Sugreeva; vishvataH ca = confiding in [Rama,] also; tadaa = then; raama sahitaH = Rama, along with; guham kishhkindhaam jagaama = to cave like, Kishkindha, advanced to.
"Then Sugreeva's heart is gladdened by that act of Rama and also at the prospect of his own success, and then that great monkey confiding in Rama advanced to the cave like Kishkindha along with Rama... [1-1-67]
ततः अगर्जत् हरिवरः सुग्रीवो हेम पिंगलः |
तेन नादेन महता निर्जगाम हरीश्वरः || १-१-६८
तेन नादेन महता निर्जगाम हरीश्वरः || १-१-६८
68. tataH = then; hari varaH = monkey, the best; hema piN^galaH = one in golden, hue; sugriivaH = such a Sugreeva; agarjat = war-whooped; tena mahataa naadena = by that, loud, shout; hariH iishwara = monkeys, king [Vali]; nir jagaama = out, emerged - came out of cave like Kishkindha.
"Then that best monkey Sugreeva whose body-hue is golden war-whooped at the entrance of cave like Kishkindha, by which loud shouting there emerged Vali, the king of monkeys, out of that cave like Kishkindha... [1-1-68]
अनुमान्य तदा ताराम् सुग्रीवेण समागतः |
निजघान च तत्र एनम् शरेण एकेन राघवः || १-१-६९
निजघान च तत्र एनम् शरेण एकेन राघवः || १-१-६९
69. tadaa = then; [vaali = Vali]; taaraam anumaanya = Tara, having pacified; sugriiveNa samaagataH = with Sugreeva, met head on; raaghavaH ca = Raghava, also; tatra = therein that [combat]; enam = him [Vali]; ekena shareNa nijaghaana = with one, arrow, eliminated.
"Vali came out only on pacifying Tara, his wife, who deterred Vali from going to meet Sugreeva in a combat, as she doubted that Sugreeva must have come with Rama, and then Vali met Sugreeva head on... and therein that duel Raghava eliminated Vali, only with one arrow... [1-1-69]
ततः सुग्रीव वचनात् हत्वा वालिनम् आहवे |
सुग्रीवम् एव तत् राज्ये राघवः प्रत्यपादयत् || १-१-७०
सुग्रीवम् एव तत् राज्ये राघवः प्रत्यपादयत् || १-१-७०
70. raaghavaH = Raghava; sugriiva vachanaat = Sugreeva's, upon word; aahave vaalinam hatvaa = in combat, Vali, on eliminating; tataH = then; tat raajye = in that, kingdom; sugriivam eva = Sugreeva, alone; pratyapaadayat = [Rama,] established.
"On eliminating Vali in combat upon the word of Sugreeva, then Rama established Sugreeva alone for that kingdom as its king... [1-1-70]
स च सर्वान् समानीय वानरान् वानरर्षभः |
दिशः प्रस्थापयामास दिदृक्षुः जनक आत्मजाम् || १-१-७१
दिशः प्रस्थापयामास दिदृक्षुः जनक आत्मजाम् || १-१-७१
71. saH vaanara R^iSabhaH ca = he, who among monkeys, a bullish one - an ablest monkey [Sugreeva,] also; janaka atmajaam = Janaka's daughter - Seetha; didR^ikshuH = to catch sight of, in search of; sarvaan vaanaraan samaaniiya = all, monkeys, on summoning; dishaH prastaapayaamaasa = to all directions, sent forth.
"Sugreeva being the ablest among monkeys summoned all of the monkeys and sent them forth in all directions in search of Seetha, the daughter of Janaka... [1-1-71]
Sugreeva is acclaimed to be a strict disciplinarian, as his orders are inviolable by any. Even now the proverbial saying exists that a "command by elders is to be followed like sugreeva aaj~na 'Sugreeva's order' which is to be implemented even at each other's throats, but can not be refuted, lest those throats will be nipped off.
ततो गृध्रस्य वचनात् संपातेः हनुमान् बली |
शत योजन विस्तीर्णम् पुप्लुवे लवण अर्णवम् || १-१-७२
शत योजन विस्तीर्णम् पुप्लुवे लवण अर्णवम् || १-१-७२
72. tataH = later; balii hanumaan = efficacious one, Hanuma; sampateH = [named] Sampaati; gR^idhrasya vachanaat = eagle's, upon word; shata yojana vistiirNam = hundred, yojana, breadth-wise; lavaNa aarNavam = salty, ocean; pupluve = leaped forth;.
"Then, upon the word of Sampaati, the eagle and elder brother of Jataayu, the efficacious Hanuma leaped forth the salty ocean, which breadth-wise is in a hundred yojana-s... [1-1-72]
तत्र लंकाम् समासाद्य पुरीम् रावण पालिताम् |
ददर्श सीताम् ध्यायन्तीम् अशोक वनिकाम् गताम् || १-१-७३
ददर्श सीताम् ध्यायन्तीम् अशोक वनिकाम् गताम् || १-१-७३
73. raavaNa paalitam = Ravana, ruled by; lankaam puriim samaasaadya = Lanka, city, on reaching; tatra = there; ashoka vanikaam gataam = in Ashoka, gardens, entered [lodged]; dhyaantiim = one who is meditating; siithaam = at Seetha; dadarsha = [Hanuma] saw.
"On reaching the city Lanka ruled by Ravana, Hanuma has seen Seetha, where she is lodged in Ashoka gardens and meditating on Rama alone... [1-1-73]
निवेदयित्वा अभिज्ञानम् प्रवृत्तिम् च निवेद्य च |
समाश्वास्य च वैदेहीम् मर्दयामास तोरणम् || १-१-७४
समाश्वास्य च वैदेहीम् मर्दयामास तोरणम् || १-१-७४
74. abhij~naanam = mark of identification [remembrancer, emblematic ring of Rama]; nivedayitvaa = on presenting [to Seetha]; pravR^ittim ca nivedya ca = disposition of Rama, also, on delineating, also; vaidehiim samaashvasya ca = Vaidehi, on solacing, also; thoraNam = welcome-arch [of Ashoka gardens]; mardayaamaasa = started to smash.
"Hanuma on presenting the remembrancer, an emblematic ring of Rama to Seetha, also on delineating the sad disposition of Rama to her, thus on solacing Vaidehi, he started to smash the welcome-arch of that beautiful Ashoka gardens... [1-1-74]
पंच सेन अग्रगान् हत्वा सप्त मंत्रि सुतान् अपि |
शूरम् अक्षम् च निष्पिष्य ग्रहणम् समुपागमत् || १-१-७५
शूरम् अक्षम् च निष्पिष्य ग्रहणम् समुपागमत् || १-१-७५
75. pa~nca sena agragaan = five, army, chiefs; sapta mantri sutaan api = seven, minister's, sons, even; hatva = on wiping out; shuuram aksham ca niSpiSya = valiant, Aksha, also, kneaded down; grahaNam sam upaagamat = captivity, [Hanuma] duly, entered into.
"On wiping out five army chiefs, seven sons of ministers, and on kneading down a gallant demon named Aksha Kumara, Hanuma had to enter into the captivity of a powerful weapon darted by Indrajit, the son of Ravana... [1-1-75]