The most importance role of Lord Agni is in fire give up and rituals. Due to consume fire for offerings to the gods, he is take part as the mediator in between heaven and earth. To give respect Lord Agni, Hindus are estimated to face fires in the correct direction for different purposes. When they facing East fire should be used for give up to the gods, when facing in South, the fire should be stand for sacrifices to the feelings of dead. And lastly Fires should face west when it used for cooking. They were born from a lotus created by Lord Brahma (the inventor in Hindu mythology).
In accordance to the Hindu mythology and Vedic scriptures Lord Agni as red hued, having three legs, seven tongues, seven hands, and two faces. These two faces of Lord Agni are indicative to beneficent and critical qualities. The Seven rays of light are comes from them. Lord Agni is a rider of ram and also the creator of a fire weapon called 'agneyastra'. Lord Agni is the custodian of Southeast direction. It is same as the fires as burns all impurities, the wearer will be eliminate of all sins and achieve purity of thought and endeavor. Lord Agni is one of three supreme deities of the Rig Veda, i.e. Agni, Vayu and Surya. All these three Gods control over earth, air and sky respectively.
Since the religion of the Rg-veda was mainly sacrificial, Agni, the god of fire, naturally got the pride of place. A maximum number of hymns are devoted to describing and praising Agni. He is often eulogised as the Supreme God, the creator, the sustainer, the all-pervading cosmic spirit. All other gods are his different manifestations. He manifests himself as fire (Agni) on this earth (Prthvi), as lightning or air (Indra or Vayu) in the sky (Antariksa) and as the sun (Surya) in the heavens (Dyuloka). He acts as a mediator between men and gods by carrying the offerings of men to gods. He is all-knowing and all-powerful. He is all-merciful too. Though an immortal, he lives among the mortals, in every house. He protects them by dispelling their difficulties and giving them whatever they pray for. Without him, the world can never sustain itself. .
In later literature, Agni is described as the lord presiding over the southeast quarter.
The image of Agni in temples, represents him as an old man with a red body. He has two heads, a big belly and six eyes, seven arms in which he holds objects like the spoon, ladle, fan etc., seven tongues, four horns and three legs. He has braided hair, wears red garment as also the Yajnopavita (the sacred thread). He is attended on either side by his two consorts, Svaha and Svadha. The smoke is his banner and ram, his vehicle. Obviously, this is an anthropomorphic representation of the sacrificial fire.