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Bhima's son Ghadotkach-like skeleton found in india. |
Recently a human skeleton of phenomenal size has been discovered during exploration activity somewhere in Northern India.
Exploration activity was taken up by an International Research Organisation with the help of Indian army. The exact place of discovery has not been disclosed yet due to security purpose. But the reports coming indicate of desert area.
Sands and sediments are known to be a good host as preservative of such types of remains.
Seeing the conditions of the less damaged weathered bones it can be inferred that the man either died or buried in the sand near the stream or in a stream bed which may have flowed from the area in the geological past and soon become buried in the sediments or it may be recent.
According to the article published by G. Subramanium in Hindu Voice, the exploration team also found tablets with inscriptions that stated that our God of Indian mythological yore, "Brahma" had created people of phenomenal size the like of which He has not created since. They were very tall, big and very powerful, such that they could put their arms around a tree trunk and uproot it. They were created to bring order among us since we were always fighting with each other. Later these people who were given all the power, turned against all our Gods and transgressed beyond all boundaries set. As a result they were destroyed by God Shiva. The Exploration teambelieves these to be the remains of those people.
This mammoth skeleton reminds us about the Bhima and Hindimba son Ghatotkach of Mahabarata and the found skeleton might have been carrying the genes of those people.
In different ancient texts of Hindu religion mans of enormous size has been mentioned several times in the form of stories. But due to the lack of geological or archaeological evidences such types of stories are always misunderstood.
Lots of stories have been reported from different parts of the world regarding seeing enormous man either in the form of Bigfoot or Himalayan Yeti.
In Hindu religion there is saying that in one of the earliest era (Satyug) of the human civilization the general height of the humans were 22 feet.
Earlier there have been sightings of exceptionally tall creatures with enormous feet (hence the name Bigfoot)and thick covering of hair on their bodies in remote areas of the United States and Canada- in the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians-from the earliest times onward. Bigfoot is up to 8 feet (2.5 m) tall, stands upright, and is covered in thick reddish-brown hair.
The Himalayan Yeti is another classic cryptid. This world famous creature has actually not been sighted very often. Mostly people find its tracks, which range widely in size between 6 and 18 inches (15-45 cm ) long ( Mysteries of the World by Herbert Genzmer and Ulrich Hellenbrand.
Yet accounts of sightings of this mysterious creature continue right up to the present.
Only by the size of the huge skeleton (not reported earlier) it not easy to jump to any conclusion about relating to any ancient human beings or classifying it to any group. But seeing the size of the skeleton found in northern India risk can be taken it to consider it as extinct GIGANTOPITHECUS.
According to the different research report Gigantopithecus an enormous primate thought to have inhabited southern China and northern India between 12 million and 500,000 years ago. It was described in 1935 on the basis of individual teeth from a Chinese apothecary. Since 1956, four large fossil jawbones have been identified. Based on fossil evidence, paleontologists speculate that Gigantopithecus had an adult standing height of over three meters (ten feet) and a weight of 550 Kg
(1200 lb).
Although it is not known why Gigantopithecus died out, researchers believe that climate and resource competition with better adapted species were the main culprits.
The fossils of prehuman and ancestral human forms are obtained from widely diverse regions of Africa, Asia and Europe which indicates that man’s centre of origin was probably in Asia and Africa. More precisely man has originated in Central Asia, because the oldest known fossils have been obtained from Asia- China, Java and India(Siwalik Hills).
Regarding the present skeleton found in India detail report is still awaited. It may be a missing link or connecting link between ancient man and modern man share.